Including original headers in reports

Randal, Phil prandal at HEREFORDSHIRE.GOV.UK
Tue Feb 10 16:39:32 GMT 2004

Telephones work wonders in situations like this.


Phil Randal
Network Engineer
Herefordshire Council
Hereford, UK

> -----Original Message-----
> From: MailScanner mailing list [mailto:MAILSCANNER at JISCMAIL.AC.UK]On
> Behalf Of Admin Team
> Sent: 10 February 2004 16:31
> Subject: Re: Including original headers in reports
> At 11:16 AM 2/10/2004, you wrote:
> >Since most modern virii and spam fake their addresses, why send out
> >notices at all?  It's sort of pointless, and I personally
> get tired of
> >virus infection messages from people who received an email supposedly
> >from me but with a forged TO:
> Well we think it would be irresponsible of us not to notify.
> As a matter of
> fact, it is a pain for us to do so and we only do so
> because of our client base. We would love not to have to do
> this. If one of
> our clients were expecting an urgent, time sensitive email
> and that email
> was did not make  through the MailScanner for some reason, we
> feel it is
> our obligation to notify the sender. Otherwise you have the
> situation where
> they believe the message was delivered and leave town, go out of the
> country, go on vacation or whatever, but our client is left
> hanging. The
> notification is critical in this regard because it allows us
> to quickly
> alert someone in case of an obvious mistake.
> Now one would argue the obvious that we are responding to far
> more spoofed
> messages than we are valid one and I would agree. But at this
> point and
> time, there is no other alternative for my company than do this.
> Regards
> Errol Neal

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