New installation -- and problems i never had
Christoph Resch
mailing-oit at
Wed Feb 4 16:04:38 GMT 2004
> MailScanner.conf. I get lot more info about the SA setup when I set that...
;-) thats exactly my problem .. and absolutely no idea why .. shouldnt it lokk
like the -D output of spamassassin
I attached my config also .. but i think its in the modules within
MS= 4.25.14-3
SA= 2.63
syslog says a bit more , but not really (both debug opts. are given )
Feb 4 16:50:05 tttprime MailScanner[13434]: MailScanner E-Mail Virus Scanner
version 4.25-14 starting...
Feb 4 16:50:06 tttprime MailScanner[13434]: Enabling SpamAssassin
auto-whitelist functionality...
Feb 4 16:50:14 tttprime MailScanner[13434]: sees Config LockType =
Feb 4 16:50:14 tttprime MailScanner[13434]: sees have_module = 0
Feb 4 16:50:14 tttprime MailScanner[13434]: Using locktype = posix
Feb 4 16:50:14 tttprime MailScanner[13434]: Creating hardcoded struct_flock
subroutine for linux (Linux-type)
Feb 4 16:50:29 tttprime MailScanner[13434]: New Batch: Scanning 1 messages,
592 bytes
Feb 4 16:50:29 tttprime MailScanner[13434]: MCP Checks completed at 592 bytes
per second
Feb 4 16:50:33 tttprime MailScanner[13434]: SpamAssassin returned 0
Feb 4 16:50:33 tttprime MailScanner[13434]: Spam Checks completed at 148
bytes per second
Feb 4 16:50:33 tttprime MailScanner[13434]: Created attachment dirs for 1
Feb 4 16:50:34 tttprime MailScanner[13434]: Virus and Content Scanning:
Feb 4 16:50:34 tttprime MailScanner[13434]: Commencing scanning by f-prot...
Feb 4 16:50:34 tttprime MailScanner[13434]: Completed scanning by f-prot
Feb 4 16:50:34 tttprime MailScanner[13434]: Completed checking by /usr/bin/
Feb 4 16:50:34 tttprime MailScanner[13434]: Virus Scanning completed at 592
bytes per second
Feb 4 16:50:34 tttprime MailScanner[13434]: About to deliver 1 messages
Feb 4 16:50:34 tttprime MailScanner[13434]: Uninfected: Delivered 1 messages
Feb 4 16:50:34 tttprime MailScanner[13434]: Virus Processing completed at 592
bytes per second
Feb 4 16:50:34 tttprime MailScanner[13434]: Disinfection completed at 592
bytes per second
Feb 4 16:50:34 tttprime MailScanner[13434]: Batch completed at 118 bytes per
second (592 / 5)
Feb 4 16:50:34 tttprime MailScanner[13434]: MailScanner child dying of old
Full config :
%report-dir% = /etc/MailScanner/reports/en
%etc-dir% = /etc/MailScanner
%rules-dir% = /etc/MailScanner/rules
%org-name% = TTT
Max Children = 5
Run As User = Debian-exim
Run As Group = Debian-exim
Queue Scan Interval = 5
Incoming Queue Dir = /var/spool/exim4_incoming/input
Outgoing Queue Dir = /var/spool/exim4_outgoing/input
Incoming Work Dir = /var/spool/MailScanner/incoming
Quarantine Dir = /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine
PID file = /var/run/MailScanner/
Restart Every = 14400
MTA = exim
Sendmail = /usr/lib/sendmail -oMr MailScanner
Sendmail2 = /usr/sbin/exim -C /etc/exim/exim4_outgoing.conf
Incoming Work User =
Incoming Work Group =
Incoming Work Permissions = 0600
Quarantine User =
Quarantine Group =
Quarantine Permissions = 0600
Max Unscanned Bytes Per Scan = 100000000
Max Unsafe Bytes Per Scan = 50000000
Max Unscanned Messages Per Scan = 30
Max Unsafe Messages Per Scan = 30
Max Normal Queue Size = 1000
Maximum Attachments Per Message = 200
Expand TNEF = yes
Deliver Unparsable TNEF = no
TNEF Expander = /usr/bin/tnef --maxsize=100000000
TNEF Timeout = 120
File Command = /usr/bin/file
File Timeout = 20
Maximum Message Size = 0
Maximum Attachment Size = -1
Virus Scanning = yes
Virus Scanners = f-prot
Virus Scanner Timeout = 300
Deliver Disinfected Files = yes
Silent Viruses = All-Viruses
Still Deliver Silent Viruses = yes
Block Encrypted Messages = no
Block Unencrypted Messages = no
Allowed Sophos Error Messages =
Sophos IDE Dir = /usr/local/Sophos/ide
Sophos Lib Dir = /usr/local/Sophos/lib
Monitors For Sophos Updates = /usr/local/Sophos/ide/*
Monitors for ClamAV Updates = /usr/local/share/clamav/*.cvd
Allow Partial Messages = no
Allow External Message Bodies = no
Allow IFrame Tags = no
Log IFrame Tags = no
Allow Form Tags = disarm
Allow Object Codebase Tags = no
Convert Dangerous HTML To Text = yes
Convert HTML To Text = no
Filename Rules = %etc-dir%/filename.rules.conf
Filetype Rules = %etc-dir%/filetype.rules.conf
Quarantine Infections = yes
Quarantine Whole Message = no
Quarantine Whole Messages As Queue Files = no
Language Strings = %report-dir%/languages.conf
Deleted Bad Content Message Report = %report-dir%/deleted.content.message.txt
Deleted Bad Filename Message Report = %report-dir%/
Deleted Virus Message Report = %report-dir%/deleted.virus.message.txt
Stored Bad Content Message Report = %report-dir%/stored.content.message.txt
Stored Bad Filename Message Report = %report-dir%/stored.filename.message.txt
Stored Virus Message Report = %report-dir%/stored.virus.message.txt
Disinfected Report = %report-dir%/
Inline HTML Signature = %report-dir%/inline.sig.html
Inline Text Signature = %report-dir%/inline.sig.txt
Inline HTML Warning = %report-dir%/inline.warning.html
Inline Text Warning = %report-dir%/inline.warning.txt
Sender Content Report = %report-dir%/
Sender Error Report = %report-dir%/
Sender Bad Filename Report = %report-dir%/
Sender Virus Report = %report-dir%/
Hide Incoming Work Dir = yes
Include Scanner Name In Reports = no
Mail Header = X-%org-name%-MailScanner:
Spam Header = X-%org-name%-MailScanner-SpamCheck:
Spam Score Header = X-%org-name%-MailScanner-SpamScore:
Spam Score Character = s
SpamScore Number Instead Of Stars = no
Clean Header Value = Found to be clean
Infected Header Value = Found to be infected
Disinfected Header Value = Disinfected
Information Header Value = Please contact the ISP for more information
Detailed Spam Report = yes
Include Scores In SpamAssassin Report = yes
Multiple Headers = append
Hostname = MailScanner
Sign Messages Already Processed = no
Sign Clean Messages = no
Mark Infected Messages = yes
Mark Unscanned Messages = yes
Unscanned Header Value = Not scanned: please contact your Internet E-Mail
Service Provider for details
Deliver Cleaned Messages = yes
Notify Senders = no
Notify Senders Of Viruses = no
Notify Senders Of Blocked Filenames Or Filetypes = no
Notify Senders Of Other Blocked Content = no
Never Notify Senders Of Precedence = list bulk
Scanned Modify Subject = no # end
Scanned Subject Text = [::Scanned::]
Virus Modify Subject = yes
Virus Subject Text = [::Virus?::]
Filename Modify Subject = yes
Filename Subject Text = [::Filename?::]
Content Modify Subject = yes
Content Subject Text = [::Blocked Content::]
Spam Modify Subject = yes
Spam Subject Text = [::Spam?::]
High Scoring Spam Modify Subject = yes
High Scoring Spam Subject Text = [::Spam::]
Warning Is Attachment = yes
Attachment Warning Filename = %org-name%-Attachment-Warning.txt
Attachment Encoding Charset = ISO-8859-15
Archive Mail =
Send Notices = no
Notices Include Full Headers = no
Hide Incoming Work Dir in Notices = no
Notice Signature = -- \nMailScanner\nEmail Virus Scanner\
Notices From = MailScanner
Notices To = postmaster
Local Postmaster = postmaster
Spam List Definitions = %etc-dir%/spam.lists.conf
Virus Scanner Definitions = %etc-dir%/virus.scanners.conf
Spam Checks = yes
Spam List =
Spam Domain List =
Spam Lists To Reach High Score = 5
Spam List Timeout = 10
Max Spam List Timeouts = 7
Is Definitely Not Spam = %rules-dir%/spam.whitelist.rules
Is Definitely Spam = %rules-dir%/spam.blacklist.rules
Definite Spam Is High Scoring = yes
Use SpamAssassin = yes
Max SpamAssassin Size = 90000
Required SpamAssassin Score = 6
High SpamAssassin Score = 20
SpamAssassin Auto Whitelist = yes
SpamAssassin Prefs File = %etc-dir%/spam.assassin.prefs.conf
SpamAssassin Timeout = 40
Max SpamAssassin Timeouts = 20
Check SpamAssassin If On Spam List = yes
Always Include SpamAssassin Report = yes
Spam Score = yes
Spam Actions = striphtml attachment deliver
High Scoring Spam Actions = striphtml attachment deliver
Non Spam Actions = deliver
Sender Spam Report = %report-dir%/
Sender Spam List Report = %report-dir%/
Sender SpamAssassin Report = %report-dir%/
Inline Spam Warning = %report-dir%/inline.spam.warning.txt
Syslog Facility = mail
Log Speed = yes
Log Spam = no
Log Permitted Filenames = no
Log Permitted Filetypes = no
SpamAssassin User State Dir = /var/spool/MailScanner/spamassassin
SpamAssassin Install Prefix =
SpamAssassin Local Rules Dir = /etc/spamassassin
SpamAssassin Default Rules Dir = /usr/share/spamassassin
Use Default Rules With Multiple Recipients = yes
Debug = yes
Debug SpamAssassin = yes
Always Looked Up Last = no
Deliver In Background = yes
Delivery Method = queue
Split Exim Spool = no
Lockfile Dir = /tmp
Lock Type = posix
Minimum Code Status = supported
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