Error in line 3 in filename.rules.conf

Julian Field mailscanner at
Tue Feb 3 20:06:44 GMT 2004

At 19:46 03/02/2004, you wrote:
>Thank you for your answers!!!!
>I have not changed this file, and line 3 looks to be ok.

You must have done, this file is correct as shipped, as far as I am aware
(and over 2000 people have downloaded and run the latest version). I
suggest you have had 1 line either broken into 2 or else the fields are not
separated by tabs alone.

>In the log I get this error:
>Feb  3 14:39:43 MailScanner MailScanner[5743]: Possible syntax error on
>line 3 o
>f /etc/MailScanner/filename.rules.conf
>Feb  3 14:39:43 MailScanner MailScanner[5743]: Remember to separate
>fields with
>tab characters!
># See for more
>deny    \.cnf$          Possible SpeedDial attack
>                         SpeedDials are very dangerous in email
>deny    \.hta$          Possible Microsoft HTML archive attack
>                         HTML archives are very dangerous in email
>deny    \.ins$          Possible Microsoft Internet Comm. Settings
>                         Windows Internet Settings are dangerous in email
>deny    \.jse?$         Possible Microsoft JScript attack
>                         JScript Scripts are dangerous in email
>deny    \.lnk$          Possible Eudora *.lnk security hole attack
>                         Eudora *.lnk security hole attack
>deny    \.ma[dfgmqrstvw]$       Possible Microsoft Access Shortcut
>                         Microsoft Access Shortcuts are dangerous in
>deny    \.pif$          Possible MS-Dos program shortcut attack
>                         Shortcuts to MS-Dos programs are very dangerous
>in email
>deny    \.scf$          Possible Windows Explorer Command attack
>                         Windows Explorer Commands are dangerous in email
>deny    \.sct$          Possible Microsoft Windows Script Component
>                         Windows Script Components are dangerous in email
>deny    \.shb$          Possible document shortcut attack
>                         Shortcuts Into Documents are very dangerous in
>deny    \.shs$          Possible Shell Scrap Object attack
>                         Shell Scrap Objects are very dangerous in email
>deny    \.vb[es]$       Possible Microsoft Visual Basic script attack
>                         Visual Basic Scripts are dangerous in email
>deny    \.ws[cfh]$      Possible Microsoft Windows Script Host attack
>                         Windows Script Host files are dangerous in email
>deny    \.xnk$          Possible Microsoft Exchange Shortcut attack
>                         Microsoft Exchange Shortcuts are dangerous in

Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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