NDR strategy
Jan-Peter Koopmann
Jan-Peter.Koopmann at SECEIDOS.DE
Tue Feb 3 12:38:40 GMT 2004
Hi Martin,
> JP
> have you got this script and the exim settings? I'd love to
> setup this on our exim system.
sure. On the DC we use the following vbs script:
const FILENAME= "whitelist-adresses.txt" 'File
name for exporting data from AD
"LDAP://yourserver/DC=intern,DC=youractivedirectory,DC=de" 'LDAP query
to Active Directory, where
Dim con, com, rs, fso, f
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(FILENAME, 2, True) ' ForReading = 1,
ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
Set con = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set com = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
con.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
con.Open "Active Directory Provider"
Set com.ActiveConnection = con
com.CommandText = "select proxyAddresses from '" & LDAPQUERY & "'
where objectClass= 'user' or objectClass='group' order by sn "
com.Properties("Page Size") = 1000
Set rs = com.Execute
While Not rs.EOF
TProxyAddresses = rs.Fields("proxyAddresses")
If Not IsNull(TProxyAddresses) Then
TProxyAddressesCount = UBound(TProxyAddresses)
For i = 0 To TProxyAddressesCount
If LCase(Left(TProxyAddresses(i),4))="smtp" Then
f.Write lcase(trim(Mid(TProxyAddresses(i),6))) &
End If
End iF
This script is running every 30 minutes. You will have to adjust the
LDAPQUERY to suit your DC structure of course. If whitelist-adresses.txt
differs from the old version we scp it to our exim server in the DMZ.
On that server we check for a new version, convert the .txt into a .map
and then convert that to a cdb. The .txt file has the format
Validemail at yourdomain.com
We simply change that to
validemail at yourdomain.com 1
and then convert this to a cdb using this little script (which we use
for all kinds of cdbs...)
#! /usr/bin/perl
while(<>) {
# skip comments
next if /^\s*#/;
# skip empty lines
next if /^\s*$/;
# chop off trailing newline
# delete leading whitespace
# retrieve key and value from the input line
($key, $value) = split(/:\s*/, $_, 2);
# emit cdbmake input line
printf "+%d,%d:%s->%s\n", length($key), length($value), $key,
print "\n";
After this all you need to do is run cdbmake and store the cdb to the
location you want it.
In Exims configure (the incoming one obvisously) we define a domainlist
domainlist check_rcpt_domains = yourdomain1 : yourdomain2
Only mails for domains in this list will be checked against the
whitelist. In the rcpt_acl you need to put
accept domains = +check_rcpt_domains
message = user unknown
recipients = cdb;/usr/local/etc/exim/whitelist-rcpt.cdb
And that's it. Moreover we manually maintain a blacklist for the e-mails
that exist in the company but should not be able to receive mails from
the internet.
I hope this gives you a kick start.
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