sending mail to 2 locations

Julian Field mailscanner at
Sun Feb 1 13:41:33 GMT 2004

At 10:41 01/02/2004, you wrote:
>On Sat, 2004-01-31 at 18:48, Harondel J. Sibble wrote:
> > The plan is to switch the primary MX to the MS box and have isp as
> secondary
> > and the MS box will forward the test accounts to the internal server
> and any
> > other mail with go to the isp.  Telneting into the MS box, this all works
> > fine. Now however I am wondering how to have the MS box send mail for the 2
> > test accounts to both the internal server and isp mailserver.
> >
>I think you can make Non Spam actions a ruleset, with the default being
>deliver and specific rule for those two accounts to be 'deliver forward
>user at othermachine'

If you need to copy the mail to more than one address, you can specify
"forward user at" more than once in the rulesets.

Don't forget to do the same thing to the Spam Actions and the High Scoring
Spam Actions settings as well, if you want to duplicate the spam too. But
you don't need 3 identical files. You can of course make all 3 settings use
the same ruleset file.
Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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