Spamassassin 2.64 + SpamcopURI

James Gray james_gray at OCS.COM
Fri Aug 13 03:35:42 IST 2004

Stephen Swaney wrote:
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: MailScanner mailing list [mailto:MAILSCANNER at JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On
>>Behalf Of James Gray

>>Just a heads up, if you upgrade to SpamAssassin 2.64 AND are running the
>>SpamcopURI plugin, make sure you upgrade to SpamcopURI 0.22 *BEFORE* you
>>restart MailScanner/SpamAssassin.
> The order is important:
>         1. Stop MailScanner
>         2. Upgrade to SpamAssassin 2.64
>         3. Upgrade to Mail::SpamAssassin::SpamCopURI
>            (You can use CPAN or download the files)
>         4. Start MailScanner
>         5. Check for proper message handling
>         6. Go home

Er yep.  Normally I'm pretty religious about all this and do exactly
what you describe above.  A combination of late nights (3 week old baby
in the house), busy day, stupid lusers, lack of caffeine and general
"screw it" attitude meant I was slack.  Silly me, that's when Murphy visits!



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