Error starting MailScanner: Can't find Net/

Julian Field mailscanner at
Wed Aug 4 16:14:32 IST 2004

At 15:42 04/08/2004, you wrote:
>I've just built a new Linux machine, and I'm trying to get MailScanner loaded.
>Caos Centos v3.1  (RHEL 3 clone)
>Perl 5.8.5
>Postfix (current version)
>I upgrade the Perl to 5.8.5, and have loaded all the libraries.
>I had the previous version of MailScanner on the machine, but didn't fire
>it up.  I reloaded it with the current version last night.  All modules
>either loaded or said they were already loaded.
>When I try to start MailScanner, is says it can't find /Net/ on the
>@INC path, even though it is there.  I checked permissions and it is
>444.  I did an rpm -Uvh --force on the Net::CIDR rpm file to make sure it
>was not corrupt or something.  Still get this error.

Did you rpm -Uvh the .noarch.rpm or the .src.rpm? If all else fails,
install it from CPAN. It's a tiny module.
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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