Major Load please help

William Burns William.Burns at AEROFLEX.COM
Fri Apr 23 17:54:01 IST 2004


If you're still getting clobbered, I'd suggest dropping your mx children
down to something like 2, just as an experiment. Your load *should*
decrease considerably.

I'll check into the caching DNS on Solaris. It should be the same as on
RedHat, it's just that there are some default caching config files that
you can install on RedHat so most RedHat people never had to look at them.
While you're waiting for that..
Run nslookup. Do a few queries on names that you know are real. See what
your response time is like.


Vicchiullo, Rob wrote:

>Here's another weird thing.
>If I activate any RBL inside MailScanner.conf the load jumps 2 more so
>form 5 to 7 constant.
>Also in the maillog I get the following errors:
>Apr 23 12:35:50 MailScanner[13079]: RBL Check
>timed out and was killed, consecutive failure 1 of 7
>Apr 23 12:35:54 MailScanner[12687]: RBL Check SBL+XBL
>timed out and was killed, consecutive failure 1 of 7
>But only the first time the child runs.
>After that it works fine.
>So why would doing rbl jump up 2.
>Also going back to dns cache anyone have any idea how to do caching on
>I am running bind on that server right now, what would I need to do on
>-----Original Message-----
>From: MailScanner mailing list [mailto:MAILSCANNER at JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On
>Behalf Of Martin Hepworth
>Sent: Friday, April 23, 2004 11:35 AM
>Subject: Re: Major Load please help
>have got any RBL's installed. I found this a major load bearer if I use
>the RBL's in SA and don't turn most of them off (ie give then a zero

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