Getting messages that are not spam as spam and the opposite !!!

Raymond Dijkxhoorn raymond at PROLOCATION.NET
Mon Apr 19 12:29:22 IST 2004


> What is this problem ?
> Going to build F/FE/FELICITY/Mail-SpamAssassin-2.63.tar.gz
> What email address or URL should be used in the suspected-spam report
> text for users who want more information on your filter installation?
> (In particular, ISPs should change this to a local Postmaster contact)
> default text: [the administrator of that system] spam at
> Checking if your kit is complete...
> Looks good
> Warning: I could not locate your pod2man program. Please make sure,
>          your pod2man program is in your PATH before you execute 'make'
> Writing Makefile for Mail::SpamAssassin
> Makefile written by ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.05
> Makefile:94: *** missing separator.  Stop.
>   /usr/bin/make  -- NOT OK

You dont have make installed on your ox, the error is pretty clear :) heh.
Install binutils.


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