Netscape 7.0 and sendmail - SMTP AUTH

Julian Field mailscanner at
Thu Apr 15 17:52:45 IST 2004


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At 17:34 15/04/2004, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>I am connecting to my POP3 server with Netscape Mail 7.0, the mail server
>sends the mail to my Mail Relay - sendmail and must authenticate with user
>name and password. I configured SMTP Authentication.
>When I am using Outlook Express it's working just fine, I configure the
>Outlook express in the Outgoing Server option -> "My Server require
>I can put there user name and password!!!
>In the Netscape Mail program, I am configuring this option like this ->
>I cant put there user name and password!!! Just user name
>And when I am trying to send a mail I am getting this message:
>An error occurred while sending mail. the mail server responded: 5.7.1
><bla at>...Relaying denied. IP name lookup failed []
>.Please check the message recipients and try again
>Someone familiar with this error??
>Thanks a lot.

Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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