
Richard Lynch rich at MAIL.WVNET.EDU
Wed Apr 14 23:19:16 IST 2004

Julian Field wrote:

> Currently the only thing you can do is replace the address-pattern with a
> filename. That file then contains a whole list of address-patterns
> that all
> apply to the rule. Saves you having 1 rule repeated for 1000 users,
> you can
> just put the list of users in the address-pattern file and reference it
> from your rules file.

I didn't know you could do that.  Let me make sure I understand
correctly before running off and using it.

In /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf I have...

Spam Actions = /etc/MailScanner/rules/spam.actions.rules

Then, in /etc/MailScanner/rules/spam.actions.rules I could have...

To:     /etc/MailScanner/rules/those-users.dat            deliver

And finally, in /etc/MailScanner/rules/those-users.dat, I could have...

joe at
joe.smith at

And that would all work?

I've got a situation coming up where I'm going to have about 900 people
wanting special settings for Spam Actions and would like to just use a
text file that I receive from the department with the userids listed in
it.  That way, they maintain the file, not me :).

On a side note, are there any performance considerations with having
huge rulesets?  Thanks for your patience.

Richard E. Lynch <rich at>
Systems Programming

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