Using Microsoft Outlook to connect to SendMail :))

Ken Anderson (Pacific Internet) ka at PACIFIC.NET
Wed Apr 14 19:46:41 IST 2004

You are using outlook.
I am using sendmail.
We are communicating, so that's what you ARE doing.

Sorry, no offense intended, it's just my way of suggesting you might be
a bit more specific in your question, any you should turn off all the
html stuff in your client.

Ken A

Idan Plotnik wrote:

> Why do you think that's what Im doing ?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ken Anderson (Pacific Internet) [mailto:ka at PACIFIC.NET]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 8:25 PM
> Subject: Re: Using Microsoft Outlook to connect to SendMail :))
> you just did, and it wasn't pretty.
> Ken A.
> Idan Plotnik wrote:
>>Hi All,
>>Someone had a test if its possible to use Outlook and SendMail ?????

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