Exim start-script for SuSe 8.2?

Stefan Merfort Stefan.Merfort at NETZONE.DE
Wed Apr 14 17:55:27 IST 2004

Does no one have an idea? :(

On Tue, 13 Apr 2004 09:36:22 +0100, Stefan Merfort
<Stefan.Merfort at NETZONE.DE> wrote:

>I can't get exim to work... Here is the standard start-script from
etc/init.d :
>! /bin/sh
># Copyright (c) 1996-2002 SuSE Gmbh Nuernberg, Germany.
># Author: Florian La Roche, 1996, 1997
>#         Werner Fink <feedback at suse.de>, 1996, 1999-2002
># Provides:                     exim
># Required-Start:               $local_fs $remote_fs $network
># X-UnitedLinux-Should-Start:   $named $time
># Required-Stop:
># Default-Start:                3 5
># Default-Stop:                 0 1 2 6
># Short-Description:            exim MTA
># Description:                  Start the exim MTA (mail transfer agent)
>if [ -s /etc/sysconfig/exim ]; then
>        . /etc/sysconfig/exim
>        # pre 8.0
>        # Source SuSE config
>        . /etc/rc.config
>        # Determine the base and follow a runlevel link name.
>        base=${0##*/}
>        link=${base#*[SK][0-9][0-9]}
>        # Force execution if not called by a runlevel directory.
>        test $link = $base && START_EXIM=yes
>        test "$START_EXIM" = yes || exit 0
>. /etc/rc.status
>case "$1" in
>    start)
>        # create logfiles if missing
>        for i
in /var/log/exim/main.log /var/log/exim/panic.log /var/log/exim/reject.log;
>                if ! test -e $i; then touch $i; chown mail.mail $i; chmod
640 $i ; fi
>        done
>        echo -n "Initializing SMTP port (exim)"
>        startproc    -p $EXIM_PID $EXIM_BIN $EXIM_ARGS
>        rc_status -v
> ;;
>    stop)
>        echo -n "Shutting down SMTP port"
>        killproc -p $EXIM_PID -TERM $EXIM_BIN
>        rc_status -v
>        ;;
>    test)
>        echo -n "Testing exim configuration"
>        $EXIM_BIN -bV
>        ;;
>    try-restart)
>        $0 stop && $0 start
>        rc_status
>        ;;
>    restart)
>        $0 stop
>        $0 start
>        rc_status
>        ;;
>    reload|force-reload)
>        echo -n "Reload service exim"
>        kill -HUP `cat $EXIM_PID* 2>/dev/null` 2> /dev/null || true
>        rc_status -v
>        ;;
>    status)
>        echo -n "Checking for service exim: "
>        checkproc -p $EXIM_PID $EXIM_BIN
>        rc_status -v
>        ;;
>    probe)
>        test /etc/exim.conf -nt $EXIM_PID \
>        && echo reload
>        ;;
>    *)
>        echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|try-restart|restart|force-
>        exit 1
>What do I have to change to get it work?
>Till now I neither have changed the configuration file
in /etc/sysconfig/exim/ nor did I
>made changes to the spool directory in /var/spool/
>Many thanks for your help!
> - Stefan

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