malformed MIME headers

Julian Field mailscanner at
Wed Apr 14 13:35:15 IST 2004

Any more information on what the problem actually is?
The Symantec page merrily states that the messages aren't compliant, but in
what way?

At 12:17 14/04/2004, you wrote:
>We are running MailScanner 4.29-7 as a front end to our Exchange server for
>about the last 2 weeks after replacing our xwall box with it.  Since the
>move we have one customer who is getting error messages from us about
>malformed MIME headers on his Symantec AntiVirus for SMTP Gateway.  He sent
>this link with the information:
>The emails in ? do have a .htm attachment, as that is how some of our
>customers receive their invoices from us.
>Is there anything on our end we can do to get emails to him?

Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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