FYI - LDAP Map Script

Pete pete at
Wed Apr 14 13:38:27 IST 2004

For those wishing to use Postfix and Mailscanner as a gateway to a Lotus
Domino email enviornment, you may find these scripts usefull for
building postfix relay_recipients maps from scheduled queries of  LDAP.
Thanks for Joshua Hirsh there is now a far more polished and usable
script available.

I know, nothing new - just a tidy script to handle this for you, plenty
of multi domain support etc with some groovy error checking and
notification built in to protect against building maps from empty lists,
and therefore blocking loads of legit mail.

All the Credit must go to *Joshua Hirsh *for writing up all the error
checking and notification stuff, and making the script far more usable
and *Carl Joseph *who helped me pinch the LDAP query stuff from an
existing Exchange script. - See the Exchange/Domino section

Easily be used for any combination of
Sendmail/Exchange/MailScanner/Postfix/Domino - i know zip about Exim,
might be usefull there to?

Hope this is useful to some one else.

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