spam learning on gateway

James Gray james_gray at OCS.COM
Tue Apr 13 23:02:17 IST 2004

Chris Connell wrote:
> Hi
> We are running spamassassin with mailscanner on our email gateway (solaris
> 9). Some spams are getting through past spamassassin, although it catches
> most of them. The users forward me the spam to block. (Local users are on ms
> exchange)
> I thought of an idea to use the bayes learning feature in spamassassin as
> follows
> - users would forward the spam mail they get to a folder on the gateway
> - I would run sa-learn on the folder every hour.

We use the auto-learn feature in SpamAssassin to teach the Bayesian
engine about our mail.  Anything that scores >=10 is learnt as spam and
anything that score <=-2 is learnt as ham.  We've been running this way
for about a year and its proved very effective.

I also run a bunch of RBL's and custom rules to assist (see  Our combined false +/-ve rate for the
last 6 months is <0.5%.  :)

Yesterday I installed the SpamCopURI SpamAssassin plug-in and added the
SpamCopURI RBL and SURBL ( and this pair looks VERY
good so far - no false +ve's or -ve's in the last 24hrs from over 20,000
messages processed.  Anything that helps cant be bad right?



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