adding additional sendmail process?

Dan Farmer dan.farmer at PHONEDIR.COM
Mon Apr 12 23:37:29 IST 2004

On Apr 12, 2004, at 1:13 PM, Terry Hope wrote:

> Is there a way to have the init script start a third sendmail process
> that
> uses a different config file? My ISP at home ( is blocking
> port 25
> so I can't relay through my corporate server (on it's own corporate
> subnet
> without these blocked ports) with MailScanner running . I can utilize
> the
> ISPs mail relay, but they have additional limitations on size and
> content
> that I wish to avoid. From my research - it looks like the only way to
> resolve this is to have a sendmail process listening on a different
> port
> (2025 maybe). I know that MailScanner is succesfully starting a listen

You could simply have xinetd look for connections on the alternate port
and forward them to port 25. All you need to do is define the port in
/etc/services (or figure out what name it's defined as already in that
file) and create a config file for xinetd for that port. For instance:

in RedHat AS 2.1 port 2025 is not defined in /etc/services, so add this

smtp-alt             2025/tcp     # Simple Mail Transfer

then create the file /etc/xinetd.d/smtp-alt: (make sure the filename
matches the name in smtp-alt)
----- begin file -----
# default: on
# description: The smtp-alt server
service smtp-alt
         socket_type     = stream
         wait            = no
         disable         = no
         user            = nobody
         redirect        = 25
# some example redirect lines:
#        redirect        = <machine name> <port>
#        redirect        = 25
#        redirect        = <machine ip> <port>
#        redirect        = 25
----- end file -----

To get xinetd to re-read it's conf files and start forwarding: (as root)

kill -USR2 `cat /var/run/`

then tail the last 50 or so lines of /var/log/messages to make sure
xinetd found the new service:

Apr 12 16:30:45 mail xinetd[925]: Starting reconfiguration
Apr 12 16:30:45 mail xinetd[925]: readjusting service smtp-alt
Apr 12 16:30:45 mail xinetd[925]: Reconfigured: new=1 old=6 dropped=0


> process and a send process. I would like to configure it to start an
> additional listen only process listening on a different port number.
> How
> would I change the MailScanner initialization script to start (and
> stop/restart) a third sendmail process?
> Thanx
> Terry Hope
> thope at

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