per domain black and white lists case sensitive

Craig Bates c.bates at COMNET.CO.NZ
Mon Apr 12 22:12:07 IST 2004

>>I notice that the per domain black and white lists are case sensitive.
>>So if Foo at is white listed, foo at will not match.  I'm
>>running MS 4.25-14, has this been fixed in newer versions?  It looks
>>like maybe a lc should be done in LookupByDomainList in
>I don't know if that's something that *should* be fixed.
>While foo at BAR.COM, foo at and foo at BaR.CoM are,
>in fact, the same address, the addresses Foo at
>and foo at are different (at least on *nix based
>systems, I can't say for others).  I use this to my
>advantage on occasion.
You are correct the RFC says that the local part is case sensitive, but
this is discouraged (RFC2821):
In particular, for some hosts the user "smith" is different from the
user "Smith". However, exploiting the case sensitivity of mailbox
local-parts impedes interoperability and is discouraged.

This is exactly what the problem is!  Sometimes an email address comes
in as foo at and other times Foo at, so what do you white or
black list??  In our set-up, users can forward email incorrectly
classified as spam / ham to an address which then adds the address to
the per user white or black lists, but this is not working so well
because of the case issue.

While this may technically be breaking the specification, in any real
world situation this is exactly what is needed to make the black and
white lists effective.  In my opinion there should at least be an option
to make the local parts case insensitive with respect to back and white

Many thanks


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