(newbie) install/configuration question

Roger Frace roger.frace at PERSIDEA.COM
Mon Apr 12 18:15:51 IST 2004

Hey Y'all,

I think I'm *nearly* there on my install of MailScanner 4.29.7-1
(current) on a box running on a fully patched Yellow Dog Linux 3.0
(current, basically a port of RH). This is a test machine for an
eventual install on a Slackware 7 box (my primary mail server). This
install was done using the TAR distribution and following the
instruction guide on the MailScanner homepage.  I've searched the list
archives on the web and didn't find anything helpful.

I don't have and won't be running SpamAssassin or any actual virus
scanning software. I'm simply interested in deleting mails with .pif,
.scr, etc attachments on the server instead of passing them through to
the client.

Right now, the server receives my test messages I send from my client,
"scans" them (I see the processes in /var/log/messages, which is where
all my mail.* logs go), and then moves from from mqueue.in to mqueue
for delivery.

However, the test .pif file which I'm mailing to myself (courtesy of
some infected someone out there), is still being delivered to my inbox
and not being deleted or quarantined on the server. Is there something
I may be missing in  my MailScanner.conf file?  Some other file? I'd be
happy to include conf or log text, but at this point I don't know what
elements would be helpful.

One thing that does confuse me, though, is that even though the .conf
file is set for "Virus Scanner = no" and "Virus Scanners = none", that
my mail logs still will say "Virus and Content Scanning: Starting" and
"Virus Scanning completed".

Any help is appreciated.

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