Problems with Virus in a Bounce message ?

Julian Field mailscanner at
Wed Apr 7 17:10:37 IST 2004

How old is your copy of MailScanner? In the most recent versions I have
made the MIME attachment extraction more robust to handle this situation

At 13:41 07/04/2004, you wrote:
>Hi List,
>now I have a new scenario with my virusscanners.
>On the first host is Mailscanner installed and routes
>every mail after scanning to a second one with amavisd-new
>which scans the mail again.
>Sometimes viruses gets through. Here's a report of
>amavisd-new with the statement of Mailscanner
>"Found to be clean" (pns = Mailscanner, sns = amavisd-new):
>------------------------- BEGIN HEADERS -----------------------------
>Return-Path: <>
>Received: from ( [])
>  by (Postfix) with ESMTP id BAABA421FE3
>  for <XXX>; Mon,  5 Apr 2004 14:09:08 +0200 (CEST)
>Received: from host.domain.tld ( [])
>  by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 8B4F2581CD
>  for <XXX>; Mon,  5 Apr 2004 14:09:07 +0200 (CEST)
>Received: by host.domain.tld (Postfix)
>  id 0309BFA86; Mon,  5 Apr 2004 13:53:59 +0200 (CEST)
>Date: Mon,  5 Apr 2004 13:53:59 +0200 (CEST)
>From: MAILER-DAEMON at domain.tld (Mail Delivery System)
>Subject: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender
>To: XXX
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: multipart/report; report-type=delivery-status;
>  boundary="E5B2BFA5C.1081166039/host.domain.tld"
>Message-Id: <20040405115359.0309BFA86 at host.domain.tld>
>X-Virus-Status: Found to be clean
>Any Ideas ? Virus was Sober.F, the mail was quarantined if
>you want the complete one.
>- Michael

Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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