Zip files checking

Roger Jochem roger at RUDNICK.COM.BR
Wed Apr 7 15:10:56 IST 2004

I'm pretty shure about that...

I made more tests today and it continues this way. If I send an simple .exe
file MailScanner blocks it. If I take it from the send messages and forward
it, it blocks again. Ok! But if the file is an .zip file with the .exe
inside, the original mail is blocked, and the re-sended message goes

Very strange, I agree...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Julian Field" <mailscanner at ECS.SOTON.AC.UK>
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 10:47 AM
Subject: Re: Zip files checking

> Please can you double check this and your mail setup to ensure mail is
> taking the route you think it is. MailScanner neither knows nor cares
> whether a message is forwarded unless you are using rulesets on the
> relevant configuration options.
> At 20:49 06/04/2004, you wrote:
> >I'm sending this e-mail again because my configuration on the list was
> >incorrect, and I don't know if it already was sended or because of this
> >"misconfiguration" the email didn't gone at the first time.. (sorry)
> >
> >I found a strange problem in MailScanner. I just updated my MailScanner
> >version 4.29-7, and now I was testing the zip file checking.
> >
> >I send an e-mail with an .exe file inside an .zip file, and mailscanner
> >blocked it. Great! It worked!
> >
> >And then I forwarded this .zip file, and this time the .zip file passet
> >through mailscanner.
> >
> >Then I made several other tests, and found out that every .zip file in
> >e-mails are checked and blocked, but if the e-mail is forwarded, the .zip
> >file always passes through.
> >
> >Any ideas to correct this problem?
> >
> >Roger Jochem
> >SBS - SC
> >Brazil
> --
> Julian Field
> Professional Support Services at
> MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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