MailScanner review/comparisons?

John Wilcock john at TRADOC.FR
Tue Apr 6 16:32:03 IST 2004

On Tue, 6 Apr 2004 23:17:47 +1000, Pete wrote:
> I piped up and said, how about checking out our MailScanner server, we
> can easily scan all your mail too - well, they said nah we are getting
> this new fandangled etrust content server which costs some big dollars,
> its the best content scanner available to mankind etc. Fine i said,  i
> will leave it at that.
> Next thing i know 

If your MailScanner server is already up and running, and can handle the
load, and they are determined to go with the etrust appliance, why not
suggest that they chain the MailScanner box in between the appliance and
their Exchange server for a trial period, and see how many extra viruses
and spams MS detects that the appliance didn't... 


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