Spam Reports in mail headers

Julian Field mailscanner at
Mon Apr 5 11:58:13 IST 2004

At 08:10 05/04/2004, you wrote:
>I've dug through the archives and can't seem to find out if there is a
>setting available that will do more than just turning on or off
>Spamassassin scoring in e-mails.
>I have several clients that are on my whitelist who do not want spam
>assassin scores in their e-mail headers.
>Is there a way to turn off putting scores in e-mail headers for whitelisted
>users with a ruleset?

Just create another ruleset with the same address patterns as your
whitelist, but with "no" instead of "yes" and attach it to the
Include Scores in SpamAssassin Report
configuration option.

>Here is an example of what I want to stop. This customer is whitelisted...
>>X-tmisnet-MailScanner: Found to be clean
>>X-tmisnet-MailScanner-SpamCheck: not spam (whitelisted),
>>         SpamAssassin (score=24.1, required 7, autolearn=spam,
>>         BAD_CREDIT 0.41, BODY_OBFU_CIALIS 8.22, BODY_OBFU_PENIS 2.11,
>>         HTML_70_80 0.51, HTML_MESSAGE 0.10, MIME_HTML_ONLY 0.10,
>>         RCVD_IN_UNCONFIRMED_DSBL 0.51, TW_EG 0.08, TW_GJ 0.08)
>>X-UIDL: 0;+"!b!3"!<]d"!N1:"!
>We just want to get rid of the SpamAssassin scoring on a per user basis.
>I'm running MailScanner v4.26.8
>      Gib Gilbertson Jr.
>     Tierramiga Info Systems
>      619-287-8647 Support
>      San Diego's "Friendly ISP"

Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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