Spam Score in Spam Reports

Julian Field mailscanner at
Fri Apr 2 17:49:21 IST 2004

Sure thing.

At 16:38 02/04/2004, you wrote:
>Would it be possible to get the spam score variable to put in the inline
>spam warning?  The following patch seems to do it for me.  Can you include
>it in the next release?  Thanks.
>---      Thu Apr  1 14:02:33 2004
>+++  Fri Apr  2 10:06:16 2004
>@@ -3389,7 +3389,7 @@
>    my($entity, $rfc822, $mimeversion, $mimeboundary, @newparts);
>    my($messagefh, $filename, $emailmsg, $line, $charset);
>    my($id, $to, $from, $localpostmaster, $hostname, $subject, $date);
>-  my($fullspamreport, $briefspamreport, $longspamreport);
>+  my($fullspamreport, $briefspamreport, $longspamreport, $sascore);
>    # For now, if there is no entity structure at all then just return,
>    # we cannot encapsulate a message without it.
>@@ -3423,6 +3423,7 @@
>    $date = scalar localtime;
>    $fullspamreport = $this->{spamreport};
>    $longspamreport = $this->{salongreport};
>+  $sascore = $this->{sascore};
>    #$this->{salongreport} = ""; # Reset it so we don't ever insert it twice
>    # Delete everything in brackets after the SA report, if it exists

Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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