RBL - spamcop legit mta

Martin Sapsed m.sapsed at BANGOR.AC.UK
Fri Apr 2 09:32:52 IST 2004

shanna leonard wrote:
> fed1mtao04.cox.net [] is a legitimate MX host used by some of
> our home users.
> am I reading headers correctly that the mail has been tagged {Spam?}
> because this MTA was found in spamcop?

Looks like it, yes. Concensus is that spamcop is often a bit trigger
happy and many people believe it shouldn't be used on
production/enterprise systems, at least not in a way where a hit just on
spamcop knocks it out.

> I guess I read MailScanner.conf incorrectly. I would like to have
> MailScanner take an action (i.e. tag as spam ) _only_ if the connecting
> MTA was found in more than one RBL.  If it is found in just one RBL I
> would like it to pass the message on to spamassassin.
> is this possible?

Use the rbl checks in spamassassin for RBL's you don't want to rely on.
That way you add a bit for each BL the message hits.



Martin Sapsed
Information Services               "Who do you say I am?"
University of Wales, Bangor             Jesus of Nazareth

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