4.29.7: whitelist syslog chatter

Julian Field mailscanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Fri Apr 2 09:11:51 IST 2004

At 21:57 01/04/2004, you wrote:
>    Just upgraded from 4.29.3 to 4.29.7, and started noticing
>a lot of:
>Message i31KrCIA028385 from ... is whitelisted
>and I found this feature improvement noted in the ChangeLog.
>Since I have a whitelist entry for my class B netblock, ie
>From:   137.146.    yes
>then this new feature will generate a ton of meaningless chatter
>to my syslog.  Err, what was the motivation for this feature?

Can't remember. I think a bunch of people asked for it.

>Any way to shut it up???

Find where it is sent and change the line to call
instead of whatever it is now (probably InfoLog).
Julian Field
Professional Support Services at www.MailScanner.biz
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