MS stops working randomly

Julian Field mailscanner at
Thu Apr 1 14:19:27 IST 2004

At 14:05 01/04/2004, you wrote:
>Le jeudi 1 Avril 2004 14:46, Jacques Caruso a écrit :
> > Anyway, I'll put it in the root crontab, stop the freshclam daemon,
> > and see what happens...
>OK, it seems to work, but I had to change this line
>in /usr/sbin/update_virus_scanners :
>   UPDATER=`echo $WRAPPER | sed -e 's/wrapper/autoupdate/'`
>to :
>   UPDATER=`echo $WRAPPER | sed -e 's/wrapper/autoupdate/g'`
>Because it was trying to run /etc/MailScanner/autoupdate/clamav-wrapper,
>which failed...

If people move the location of my scripts and don't update the other 
programs to compensate for their changes, it ain't my fault :-)
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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