MS stops working randomly

Jacques Caruso jacques at MONACO.NET
Thu Apr 1 13:46:59 IST 2004

Le jeudi 1 Avril 2004 12:36, Pete a écrit :
> freshclam in daemon mode? doesnt julian supply a script that is crond
> to update the virus sigs hourly ?

Well, I never noticed it, but indeed there seems to be 
a /usr/sbin/update_virus_scanners. But it isn't in the crontab 
installed by MailScanner :

[root at sceuzi][/etc/MailScanner]# dpkg -L mailscanner | grep -E 'cron.*/'
[root at sceuzi][/etc/MailScanner]# grep virus /etc/cron.daily/mailscanner
[root at sceuzi][/etc/MailScanner]# grep virus /etc/cron.d/mailscanner

Anyway, I'll put it in the root crontab, stop the freshclam daemon, and 
see what happens...

[ Jacques Caruso <jacques at>                  Développeur PHP ]
[ Monaco Internet                  ]
[ Tél : (+377) 93 10 00 43                        Clé PGP : 0x41F5C63D ]
[ -*- Look behind you! A three-headed monkey!--Guybrush Threepwood -*- ]

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