A simple question

Julian Field mailscanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Thu Apr 1 10:55:51 IST 2004

This has been discussed at length before :-)
  It's not a trivial change and not one I have had the time to fully analyse.

At 10:45 01/04/2004, you wrote:
>Dear julian,
>  looking at the log from mailscanner, and the web pages, the spam check
> is done before the virus check.
>But if a mail is a virus, the spam check is unuseful. This sequence could
>be easily inverted ? (Or I'm wrong ?)
>Ps. thanks also for the AV suggestions for solx86...
>Dott. Sergio Rabellino
>  Technical Staff
>  Department of Computer Science
>  University of Torino (Italy)
>Tel. +39-0116706701
>Fax. +39-011751603

Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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