Clas Mayer clas at
Mon Sep 29 20:03:02 IST 2003

FreeBSD 4.8-RELEAS-p10 Sendmail 8.12.8p2/8.12.9, PII266 160Mb ram
I installed mailscanner 4.21.9 via ports, upgraded via portupgrade to 4.22.5 
mid august. No problems at all. I don´t know the schedule of when the next 
version appears in ports. Fetched the f-prot updatescript from the .tar.gz 
as I could not find it in ports. I monitor MailScanner using MailWatch as 
the other systems I found used Linux specific thingis to get stats. Im 
running this as a personal system so very low traffic max 300 not 300k 
mess/day :).


On Mon, 29 Sep 2003 13:22:55 -0400, Ugo Bellavance wrote
> Hi,
>    I searched the list and the net a bit, and I didn't find any 
> special discussion about the FreeBSD port.  Installation,
>  performance?  I am running RH9 right now and it seems to be heavy 
> on RAM use, even if I disabled all useless services and tweaked all 
> the others to make sure RAM usage is low.  I am tempted by putting 
> my MS system on FreeBSD.  4.8 or 5.1, I'm not sure.
>    Comments?
> Thanks,
> Ugo

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