RAQ4i + Mailscanner Strangeness

Kevin Spicer kevins at BMRB.CO.UK
Sat Sep 27 22:13:54 IST 2003

On Sat, 2003-09-27 at 21:36, Matt wrote:

>I have Mailscanner running on a RAQ4i.  Something really strange seems
>happen whenever I add a Site to the RAQ.  After adding the site the RAQ
>refuses to process outgoing mail.  Mailscanner also no longer scans
>messages but messages still come in.  I can stop and start Mailscanner
>still no go.  When looking at the log file it says something about
>already taken.  The only cure is to reboot the entire RAQ.  This also
>occurrs if I change the name of a site on the RAQ.

There was a recent thread about a similar problem (check the archive,
search on RAQ).  IIRC when you add a site it attempts to restart
sendmail, rather than MailScanner's sendmail processes.

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