SpamAssassin 2.60

Julian Field mailscanner at
Tue Sep 23 23:44:29 IST 2003

At 23:28 23/09/2003, you wrote:
> > I just checked YOU in my SuSE 8.0 and 8.2 boxes, but can't find a package
> > called DB_File.  Is this a part of thd Berkeley DB database library?
> > >Due to major reliability shortcomings in the database support libraries
> > >other than DB_File, we now require that the DB_File module be installed
> > >to use SpamAssassin's Bayes rules.
>Perl ... In RedHat they have a RPM for it also... perl-DB_File

You can install the Perl frontend (DB_File) to the Berkeley DB library from
CPAN, just
         perl -MCPAN -e shell
         install DB_File
if you haven't got an RPM of it in your distribution.

For this to work you will need the Berkeley DB library installed. In RedHat
this is the "db4" RPM.
You may already have this installed, but may not have the devel code
installed. In RedHat this is the "db4-devel" RPM.

If you are on a non-Linux system, or for some other reason need to install
the Berkeley DB library itself by hand, (e.g. Solaris) then you can
download it from Once you have that installed in a place
that the Perl code can find it (/usr/local/BerkeleyDB) then the CPAN
install should be able to build DB_File for you.
Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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