Monkeys RBL timeouts

Raymond Dijkxhoorn raymond at PROLOCATION.NET
Tue Sep 23 15:44:54 IST 2003


> >Very strange, even from within SURFnet, where you get your connectivity
> >its showing this:
> Stupied me. Ofcourse it was killed. So in the logs of the last few hours
> it didn't show up any more.
> Last line was:
> |Sep 23 12:33:35 netlx014 MailScanner[13247]: RBL Check
> Infinite-Monkeys timed out and was killed, consecutive failure 7 of 7

Ok, clear... I did some tracing and it looks its at least filtered on the

I did some traces from also, and it seems a lot of
people will have a problem with this currently, connectivity is cut down a

I hope this isnt another one that will get lost in space, after Osirusoft ...

I disabled checks on my servers.


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