The definition of Eicar. Was: Question for Bitdefender Users

Antony Stone Antony at SOFT-SOLUTIONS.CO.UK
Thu Sep 18 21:42:31 IST 2003

On Thursday 18 September 2003 9:33 pm, Jason Balicki wrote:

> Kevin Spicer wrote:
> >[eicar...] is essentially just one
> >long random number.
> Well, it's an executable made up of ASCII printable characters
> that happens to print out "EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE"
> when it's run.  Which is kind of a neat hack.  And not really
> random.  :)

I think what Kevin meant by 'random' was 'just as likely to be encountered by
a virus checker as any other string of binary digits'.

In other words, there's nothing intrinsically special about the Eicar string
which defines it as something A-V products should detect - they need a
signature for it just the same as anything else they detect.

It is true that some A-V vendors have chosen not to include a signature which
recognises the Eicar string, presumably on the pedantic basis that it isn't a
virus :)

> Sorry for being pedantic.

No need to apologise :)



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