processes {Scanned by HJMS}

Willem Kuiters wkuiters at FREE.FR
Thu Sep 18 17:53:04 IST 2003

On Thu, Sep 18, 2003 at 04:11:00PM +0200, Willem Kuiters wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 18, 2003 at 08:26:29AM +0100, Julian Field wrote:
> > What happens when MailScanner is running and you do a "check_mailscanner"?
> > You might need to tweak that script a bit if it says "Starting MailScanner".
> It did say "Starting MailScanner". As this possibly concerns other users
> of the debian package, I publish my check_mailscanner "tweak" on this
> list.

> pid=`/bin/ps axww |
> _____________________________________
>      /bin/grep $process |
> -------------------------------------
> /usr/bin/awk '{ print $1 }'`

Uhm, though this works from the command-line. Somehow MailScanner no
longer starts at start-up. I get the message "Starting mail spam/virus
scanner Mailscanner" but in fact a "pstree -ap" shows no mailscanner

An "/etc/init.d/mailscanner start" on the prompt, however, launches mailscanner
normally. A subsequent "check_mailscanner" command show me the pids and
the processes are no longer building up.

Being but a very mediocre hand at scripting, what could it be in my
tweak that prevents MailScanner from launching at system startup ?


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