eTrust Virus Scanner

Julian Field mailscanner at
Tue Sep 16 14:56:36 IST 2003

Can my wrapper script access it correctly?
/usr/lib/MailScanner/etrust-wrapper /opt/eTrustAntivirus .
and see what happens.

And when you are trying to test something involving shell variables, don't
use sudo. "su -" properly and then try it.

At 13:53 16/09/2003, you wrote:
> >This is beginning to wind me up! ;)
>I appreciate the effort and would understand if you wish to cease and
>CAIGLBL0000 is set according to the readme that comes with etrust
>install.  Here is a web page says it's working if you can see in
>printenv just before a scan (instead of posting the readme).  It is set
>just before the sudo already.
>bambam:/opt/eTrustAntivirus# su mail
>bambam:/opt/eTrustAntivirus$ printenv
>bambam:/opt/eTrustAntivirus$ sudo /opt/eTrustAntivirus/ino/bin/inocmd32
>Unable to load message from string resource file.
>  >CAIGLBL0000=/opt/eTrustAntivirus
>  >export CAIGLBL0000
>  >
>  >(those are zeros not Ohs BTW)
>  >
>  >

Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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