Zip files and viruses contained within them + sophossavi a logging question.

David dh at UPTIME.AT
Sat Sep 13 00:17:52 IST 2003

We are seeing quite a view infections of Mimail-A lately.
Since it is contained within a zip file I was thinking that maybe the 
logging for sophossavi is not 100% correct? In the logs as well as in 
teh reports we see something akeen to was infected by W32/Mimail-A W32/Mimail-A

Namely Infected:: W32/Mimail-A W32/Mimail-A

For all other Viruses we log it only shows up once

Thank you


-- nee amata wo mitsukete soshite midoto wasrezu
    domma mi mumega itakutemo soba mi iru mo
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