Vedr.: Re: mysql logging issues]

Brent Addis brent.addis at ROAMAD.COM
Fri Sep 12 10:25:03 IST 2003

yes I realised that much, however if you follow the download links off the
page, nothing works.
check out

Jan Elmqvist Nielsen said:
> It's at now
> /Jan Elmwvist Nielsen
>>>> brent.addis at ROAMAD.COM 12-09-2003 07:20:08 >>>
> Hey
> Thanks for the idea, however none of the download sites work, I tried
> it
> yesterday (and when I received this just in case anythings changed).
> Have you got a copy at all?
> I would really like to get some form of sql logging working. It doesnt
> need a frontend as we can write out own (although it would be handy)Any
> idea why the built in sql logging doesnt work?
> Chris Trudeau said:
>> Take a look here:
>> Mailwatch uses a different SQL loging function that is called from a
>> seperate module.  It works well from everything I have seen.  Steve
> has
>> also built a decent PHP front end that produces some JPGraph plotted
>> graphs and such.
>> instead of three seperate tables message related detail is all in a
>> single table, with other relvant information in the other adjoining
>> tables.
>> Maybe this project will hepl you?...just a thought.
>> CT
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Brent Addis" <brent.addis at ROAMAD.COM>
>> Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 11:27 PM
>> Subject: [Fwd: mysql logging issues]
>>> Hey there.
>>> Im new to the list, and had a quick look through the archives and
>>> couldnt find much on it.
>>> Im having a few problems getting mailscanner logging to an sql
>>> database.
>>> for some reason mailscanner inists on putting NULL into mysql
> rather
>>> than what the results should have been.
>>> IE:
>>>                     155 Query       INSERT INTO maillog_mail (time,
>>>                     msg_id, size, from_user, from_domain, subject,
>>>                     clientip, archives, isspam, ishighspam,
> sascore,
>>>                     spamreport) VALUES
> ('NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL>> ','NULL')                    156 Query       INSERT INTO maillog_mail
>> (time,
>>>                     msg_id, size, from_user, from_domain, subject,
>>>                     clientip, archives, isspam, ishighspam,
> sascore,
>>>                     spamreport) VALUES
> ('NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL>> ','NULL')                    155 Quit
>>>                     156 Quit
>>>                     157 Query       INSERT INTO maillog_mail (time,
>>>                     msg_id, size, from_user, from_domain, subject,
>>>                     clientip, archives, isspam, ishighspam,
> sascore,
>>>                     spamreport) VALUES
> ('NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL>> ','NULL')                    157 Quit
>>> mysql> SELECT time, msg_id, size, from_user, from_domain FROM
>>> maillog_mail;
>>> +----------------+--------+------+-----------+-------------+
>>> | time           | msg_id | size | from_user | from_domain |
>>> +----------------+--------+------+-----------+-------------+
>>> | 00000000000000 | NULL   |    0 | NULL      | NULL        |
>>> +----------------+--------+------+-----------+-------------+
>>> 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
>>> I am using version 4.23-11.
>>> To create the tables I used a slightly modified version of what
> comes
>>> with mailscanner in the readme-sql. I had to remove the binary part
>>> from the msg_id lines as it would not work. I dont see that causing
>>> the current problems I am seeing however. Everything else was
> followed
>>> as per.
>>> I also had to alter the, as it had the wrong ip
>>> address entered, and also needed a password:
>>> <snip>
>>> use DBI;
>>> <snip>
>>> # Create database connection
>>>   my($dbh);
>>>   $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:mailscanner:localhost",
>>>                       "mailscanner", "password",
>>>                       {'PrintError' => 0})
>>> <snip>
>>> Is there somewhere I have to actually speicify what to log? I have
>>> unyet been able to find out exactly what it requires.
>>> Any help would be appeciated.
>>> Thanks.
>>> --
>>> Brent Addis
>>> Systems Administrator
>>> RoamAD
> --
> Brent Addis
> Systems Administrator
> RoamAD

Brent Addis
Systems Administrator

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