eTrust Virus Scanner
Erik Jakobsen
Fri Sep 12 06:42:01 IST 2003
Hi. I have seen many infos on the Virus Scanner for linux from eTrust.
But what's the name of it, and can it be found on the homepage og eTrust ?.
Daniel D. Reid wrote:
>>Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2003 21:54:14 +0100
>>From: Kyle Harris <lists at TRCINTL.COM>
>>Subject: eTrust Virus Scanner
>>I get any upgrades that may come out for three years and all virus
>>signature updates for life. Plus I believe Julian just added support for
>>this product to MailScanner. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me! I'm am
>>curious if anyone has any bad expierences with this software.
> As we use eTrust corporate wide, this was the option I took. So far, it has
> worked well for us. The install is easy and MailScanner takes care of
> automating the signature updates.
> The only thing to be aware of is that unless you have Apache and some other
> components installed, eTrust's install script might complain. You don't
> have to have them installed to use just the command line scanner which is
> all that MailScanner needs but it is needed if you want to take advantage of
> eTrust's real-time monitoring features. Real-time monitoring also requires
> a kernel rebuild.
> Anyway that me two cents worth,
> Daniel D. Reid
> MIS Technical Administrator
> Pilot Catastrophe Services, Inc.
Med venlig hilsen - Best regards.
Erik Jakobsen - eja at
Licensed radioamateur with the callsign OZ4KK.
SuSE Linux 8.2 Proff.
Registered as user #319488 with the Linux Counter,
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