Server dies with 100% RAM and swap file use.

Stephen Breen sbreen at CSPOTMAIL.COM
Thu Sep 4 17:48:06 IST 2003

I'm running MailScanner from an RPM install on Red Hat 7.1 on a 800mghz
Pentium 3 with 256MB ram and a 256MB swap. The server will run for
24hours then die. The problem only started after installing MailScanner.
I have mailscanner configured not to stop spam and with 3 child procs
running, MailScanner v 4.23-11 RPM install. I have been using ClamAV for
virus scanning. Any ideas why MailScanner seems to be dying? I set the
auto restart config value to 10480 seconds also.

Stephen Breen
c:Spot InterWorks

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