SIGPIPE received - trying new log socket

Evert Jan van Ramselaar evertjan at VANRAMSELAAR.NL
Thu Sep 4 06:08:44 IST 2003

Julian Field said:
>>Sep  3 19:14:58 ram3 MailScanner[4002]: SIGPIPE received - trying new log
>>Is this something serious?
> No. You aren't using syslog-ng are you?

Nope. Just the standard syslogd.

> If all else fails, find the logging statement in and comment it out
> if it's a pain.

Well I was just curious if something was wrong, because I had never seen
it before the last MS upgrade. Thanks for pointing out I don't have to
worry... :o)

  Evert Jan van Ramselaar  <evertjan at>
  Van Ramselaar Info Tech  <>

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