Security/Policy question

Chris Trudeau chris at TRUDEAU.ORG
Wed Sep 3 15:34:29 IST 2003

This has likely already been discussed, but I can't quite piece together the
rules logic and MTA components required to actually do this...I'm thinking
its part of  "domain specific white/blacklisting" in the,
but I'm not sure.

Conside the following scenario:

I have a mailscanner system providing service for several domains as a
gateway.  I would like to block email originating from any location OTHER
than my assigned next hop mail gateways which has a sender address of that
protected domain.  See WEAK ASCII below:            MS
mail server             Gateway              Internet
   |                              |                            |

so any mail that comes from the Internet with a sender domain of
should be blocked.

Any ideas  MTA is postfix.


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