Reload Childs..

Sebastian Wiesinger sw at INTERNETX.DE
Thu Oct 30 20:07:59 GMT 2003

* Hirsh, Joshua <joshua.hirsh at PARTNERSOLUTIONS.CA> [2003-10-30 20:49]:
> FWIW, the init script for MailScanner on RH does this on a reload request:
> Assuming 1234 is the parent PID of the other processes,
> /bin/kill -HUP -- -1234

Assuming that this sends a HUP to the parent process, it does


InterNetX GmbH
Sebastian Wiesinger
System Administration
Maximilianstrasse 6
D-93047 Regensburg

Tel. +49 941 59559-0
Fax  +49 941 59559-245

eMail: sebastian.wiesinger at
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