RedHat Perl updates

Joshua Penix jpenix at BINARYTRIBE.COM
Tue Oct 14 01:00:06 IST 2003

I just installed MailScanner on a fresh RedHat 9 box that had been fully
up2dated.  The default install didn't have certain Perl modules
installed, such as perl-HTML-Parser, perl-HTML-Tagset and perl-TimeDate,
thus MailScanner's install script downloaded and built the appropriate
RPMs for me.  That's quite fine, but now upon running up2date, RedHat
sees the newly installed packages and reports that it has more current
versions of those modules available.

Is it okay to let up2date go ahead and install RedHat's versions?  They
all appear to be the same major version as the ones MailScanner
installed (3.26, 3.03 and 1.1301 respectively), it's just the package
revision that differs (i.e. 3.26-2 from MailScanner versus 3.26-17 from


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