MS Webmin module (bug?)

Nejc Skoberne nejc.skoberne at
Mon Oct 13 22:52:32 IST 2003


I am using MailScanner-4.22-5, Slackware 8.0, linux-2.4.21, latest
Webmin and MS Webmin module.

I have this problem when trying to administer spam.whitelist.rules (or
similar) and when I try to manage more than 14 entries in the ruleset.
If I do so, then I can no more "save" the (new or changed) ruleset via MS Webmin
module. If I click "save", nothing happens at all. If I have exactly
14 entries in the ruleset, everything works fine.

Any ideas why is this happening? I checked those .cgi scripts but
since I'm not very familiar with perl I couldn't fix it.

Thanks a lot.

Nejc Skoberne
Grajska 5
SI-5220 Tolmin
E-mail: nejc.skoberne at

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