MIME::Parser Error

Tom Farrell Thomas.Farrell at LEVEL3.COM
Tue Oct 7 09:29:13 IST 2003

I have seen multiple postings about this issue, some dating back to Feb
2003. They all seem to be related to mailscanner installed on FreeBSD
systems5.0. The common reply is to check the owner / group
on /var/spool/MailScanner/incoming. Or possibly two Mailscanner processes
running, I have dug through all and any documentation related to this and
have yet to find a solution. The threads back in Feburary were never
resolved. There seems to be some compatibilty issues with MailScanner and
FreeBSD 5.0. Has anyone been succesful and getting MailScanner to work on
FreeBSD 5.0 ? The common problem is something like this.

Oct  7 07:30:31 bigguy MailScanner[45386]: Cannot
parse /var/spool/MailScanner/incoming/45386/h8TEXGiP092608.header and ,
MIME::Parser: can't open tmpfile: Invalid argument

Every thing is all set in my MailScanner.conf and user / group rights on
/var/spool/MailScanner are for correct owner / group which is set in

When I run "ps -axwww | grep ail" I can see the initial mailscanner process
and every 20 seconds or so about 3 new mailscanner process startup.

I was thinking these new process may be attempting to read or write in the
directory created by the initial process and there is sometype of umask
screw up in one of the scripts or something like access writes in the

Can anyone tell me if they had success with MailScanner on a freebsd 5.0
system ? If you have please let me know what you had to do.

Also I installed this from the port



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