Virus reporting

Julian Field mailscanner at
Fri Nov 28 11:22:26 GMT 2003

At 10:56 28/11/2003, you wrote:
>After being hammered yesterday by an infected external host trying to send
>Swen to dozens of users here we temporarily changed "Still Deliver Silent
>Viruses" to no.

If you are using sendmail, check out the new "IPBlock" code in when I release it all this weekend. This will rate-limit
various systems and/or networks to a configurable number of messages per
hour, so you will no longer be swamped by the occasional infected host,
either internal or external.

>The MailScanner.conf says this can be a ruleset.  Is it possible to not
>deliver based on virus names, and if so, what would such a ruleset look
>like?  The FAQ needs updating on this issue.

Virus:  some-virus-name yes
Virus:  other-virus-name        no
FromOrTo: default               yes

>Phil Randal
>Network Engineer
>Herefordshire Council
>Hereford, UK

Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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