gfi virus/exploits test (fwd)
Jan-Peter Koopmann
Jan-Peter.Koopmann at SECEIDOS.DE
Tue Nov 25 19:39:22 GMT 2003
> The email with the subject "hide.hta..." contains an
> attachment called "untitled" which contains vb script, and
> another email with the subject "Attachment with no filename
> vulnerability test" contains an attachment called
> untitled.hta which is also a vb script. Please double check
> your results and get back to me, maybe I have misconfigured something
Ok. This is what I got:
1. Iframe remote vulnerability test --> got through but did not do
anything. Was obviously disarmed by MailScanner.
2. Object Codebase vulnerability test --> virus found
McAfee: msg-93664-9.html Found the Exploit-CodeBase trojan !!!
ClamAV: msg-93664-9.html contains Exploit.ObjCodebase.Calc
3. GFI's Access exploit vulnerability test --> I see the mail but no
attachment. Nothing.
4. CLSID extension vulnerability test -->
ClamAV: viewthis.{3050f4d8-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b} contains
MailScanner: Files ending in CLSID's are trying to hide their real
extension (viewthis.{3050f4d8-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b})
5. MIME header vulnerability test -->
ClamAV: viewthis.vbs contains GFI.VBS.Test
MailScanner: Visual Basic (Scripts) are/is dangerous in email
6. ActiveX vulnerability test --> I see the mail but nothing else.
7. VBS attachment vulnerability test -->
ClamAV: viewthis.jpg.vbs contains GFI.VBS.Test
MailScanner: Visual Basic (Scripts) are/is dangerous in email
8. CLSID extension vulnerability test -->
ClamAV: viewthis.jpg.{3050f4d8-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b} contains
MailScanner: Files ending in CLSID's are trying to hide their real
extension (viewthis.jpg.{3050f4d8-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b})
9. Malformed file extension vulnerability test (for Outlook 2002 - XP)
ClamAV: viewthis.hta. contains GFI.VBS.Test
10. Popup Object Exploit vulnerability test -->
McAfee: msg-93664-12.html Found the Exploit-CodeBase trojan
ClamAV: msg-93664-12.html contains Exploit.ObjCodebase.Calc
11. Long filename vulnerability test -->
ClamAV: nicepicture .hta contains GFI.VBS.Test
MailScanner: Very long filenames are good signs of attacks against
Microsoft e-mail packages (nicepicture .hta)
12. Attachment with no filename vulnerability test -->
ClamAV: msg-93664-16.dat contains GFI.VBS.Test
13. Double file extension vulnerability test -->
ClamAV: viewthis.jpg.hta contains GFI.VBS.Test
MailScanner: HTML archives are very dangerous in email
14. [1/5] --> Mail gets through but attachment renamed to
{Virus } [1_5].dat
15. [2/5] until [5/5] -->
MailScanner: Fragmented messages cannot be scanned and are removed
16. I received two mails containing hide.hta (MAAAANY WHITESPACES)
Outlook blocked both attachments. I tried to deblock them but were only
successfull with one. That one I can save. But it is not executed
17. Eicar anti-virus test -->
McAfee: Found: EICAR test file NOT a virus.
ClamAV: contains Eicar-Test-Signature
Kaspersky: INFECTED EICAR-Test-File
F-Secure: Infected: EICAR_Test_File [F-Prot]
F-Secure: Infected: EICAR Test File [Orion]
F-Secure: Infected: EICAR-Test-File [AVP]
MailScanner: Executable DOS/Windows programs are dangerous in email
The only thing that might be troubling is point 16. I agree that those
files should not get through. I do not get why this one is not caught by
deny \s{10,} Filename contains lots of white space
in filename.rules.conf though, since the filename itself is so long.
Nevertheless we should have a possibility to detect virus-like subjects
as well. Julian could you have a look at this? This is indeed
troublesome. The subject and the filename contain a lot of whitespaces
but it is not caught by MailScanner....
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