Bayesian Learning and forward to as spam action

Julian Field mailscanner at
Tue Nov 25 09:15:49 GMT 2003

At 23:12 24/11/2003, you wrote:
>Hello Julian,
>Monday, November 24, 2003, 3:40:12 AM, tu as écrit:
>JF> At 02:21 24/11/2003, you wrote:
> >>Hello MS users,
> >>Ms on a smtp gateway with just 2 local users (spam and nospam)
> >>all mailboxes are  in exchange
> >>
> >>I want tu use a Bayesian Learning Script.
>JF> SpamAssassin will already auto-learn from messages it is convinced are
>JF> either spam or not spam. You don't have to forward messages using the 
>JF> actions" setting, it is already happening whenever it is appropriate 
>to do so.
>Thanks for the response,
>my question is :
>How can we train MS about false positive and negative ? I ubderstand
>now that I don't have to worry about the learning process of spam/not
>spam but howe about False + and false -. I don't understand how he can
>learn the goob way when he was wrong :-)

I have a script which I have posted to this list several times before. It's 
called something like learn.spam and works from the contents of a couple of 
mailboxes, "spam" and "notspam".

It's in the list archives. 

Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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