MailLoop / Help please

Julian Field mailscanner at
Tue Nov 25 09:12:26 GMT 2003

Did you restart/reload MailScanner after making the change?

At 22:04 24/11/2003, you wrote:
>Hi again...
>I found a Mailheader (Precedence: junk) in the received Message.
>I tried to add the keyword "junk" to the Option "never notify senders of
>precedence" in MailScanner.conf
>never notify senders of precedence = list bulk junk
>Then i try to send a Spammessage with an precedence header "junk" to my
>MailScanner protected inbox.
>MailScanner has trapped the Message as Spam...
>Thats ok...
>But I receive as always a bounce message from MailScanner.
>What goes wrong?
>Can anybody Help me please?

Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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